
The influence of Ca ions on the growth of an -form (NC7) derived from K12 was investigated. In a medium containing NaCl as osmotic stabilizer 1 m-Ca was required for optimal growth of the -form, while with KCl as osmotic stabilizer, in a medium containing 0·1 or 1·0 m-Ca, optimium growth was observed at 32 and 37°C, respectively. When the -form, growing exponentially at 32 C in medium containing KCl and 0·1 m-Ca, was shifted to 37 C growth was strikingly suppressed. In contrast, the suppression of growth in the presence of 1·0 m-Ca at 32°C was relieved when the culture was shifted to 37°C. When the protonophore carbonyl cyanide -chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), at a final concentration of 10 , was added to a medium containing NaCl and sucrose as osmotic stabilizers, together with 10 m-glucose, the parent strain could grow exponentially. In contrast, growth of the -form was completely stopped by 10 -CCCP under the same conditions. In the presence of 20 -CCCP, the -form accumulated more than twice as much Ca as in the absence of the protonophore. Thus, it is suggested that growth of the -form NC7 is coupled to the protonmotive force. Possible mechanisms for the coupling of calcium to growth of the -form are discussed.


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