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, a sulphide-tolerant, salt-tolerant member of the , was shown to produce molecular hydrogen on a mineral medium with lactate as electron donor and glutamate as nitrogen source. A maximum production of about 1·1 mmol H (mmol added lactate) was found at pH 6·75. The activity of hydrogenase and nitrogenase showed that hydrogenase activity (and thus the H recycling system) was greatest at pH 6·5 and 6·75 and thus, at least partially, was responsible for the lack of H production below 6·75, but that nitrogenase activity was greatest at between pH 6·5 and 7·0, and decreased to zero at pH 8·0, resulting in reduced H production at pH 7·5 and none at pH 8·0. When sufficient NH had accumulated in the culture, nitrogenase activity remained below the maximum value and no H production occurred.


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