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Summary: The cyanobacterium Oscillatoria agardhii was grown in continuous cultures with light periods of various duration at a constant irradiance. Growth at shorter light periods led to light-limited cultures. P max was the only photosynthetic parameter that reflected increastng pigment contents at shorter light periods; α and q O 2, were maximal with light periods of8 h and less. The dynamics of the carbohydrate pool with light/dark cycles are described in a concept ofthree maxima: a maximum accumulation rate, a maximum content and a maximum consumption rate. With shorter light periods the growth yield on carbon increased as did yield values for dark growth on carbohydrate. Rates ofprotein synthesis were equal in the light and dark for light periods >8 h; with shorter light periods the rates of protein synthesis in the dark showed a severe drop. From the response of O. agardhii to changes in light/dark cycle we distinguished four ranges in which regulation ofgrowth differed. The central role ofthe photosynthetic apparatus in the different responses to changes in either irradiance or light period is stressed.
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