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Summary: Twenty red-pigmented bacterial strains, isolated from river water, and 15 named reference cultures were analysed using numerical taxonomic procedures. A simplified dendrogram, based on the simple matching coefficient and unweighted average linkage clustering algorithm, showed that the environmental isolates were recovered in two phenetic groups, defined at or above the 89% similarity level. Nine strains were contained in phenon 1, which exhibited the general characteristics of the , but did not match the descriptions of any of the existing genera within this family. A new genus and species, , is proposed for these isolates. The 11 red-pigmented environmental strains in phenon 2 were identified as . The red pigment of contains at least two compounds related to prodigiosin. The major component produced a mass spectrum compatible with its being 6-methoxy-2-methyl-3-heptylprodigeosene ( 351). A second component produced a mass spectrum indistinguishable from that of prodigiosin itself ( 323).


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