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Incubating cells of with sodium lauroyl sarcosinate, under conditions that did not cause lysis, solubilized material comprising 5-8% of the cell dry weight. The treatment reduced cell hydrophobicity, and reduced the ability of the cells to coaggregate with spp. The extract contained about 20 polypeptides and these were identified as being cell-surface components on the basis of one or more of the following criteria: () being degraded when cells were incubated with protease; () being labelled when cells were iodinated using a lactoperoxidase-catalysed reaction; () reacting with antibodies raised to fixed whole cells. Eight of the polypeptides accounted for more than 70% of the total protein extracted, and one component (molecular mass 16 kDa) was hydrophobic. The cell-surface proteins described are implicated in cell hydrophobicity and coaggregation.


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