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Summary: Previous work has shown that the side wall of a Gram-positive rod is initially laid down as a compact layer inside the older wall. It is then stretched as it comes to bear tension due to the osmotic pressure inside the cell. If the polar wall is likewise capable of a degree of expansion, then no new murein need be added while the planar cross-wall splits and converts into two poles. In mutant strain FJ6, which is deficient in autolytic enzymes, pole formation can be caused by addition of exogenous muramidase (10 μg hen egg white lysozyme ml for 10 min at 35°C). This strain grows as long filaments with many completed cross-walls, but enzymic treatment caused the formation of many new poles of normal morphology as judged by thin section electron microscopy. Fully separated poles of normal appearance were also found when more than 100 times the MIC (1 μg ml) of vancomycin was added to block wall growth totally and rapidly 10 min before the addition of lysozyme. We conclude, therefore, that no new murein is needed in the conversion of the flat septum into poles and that the unstressed cross-wall is capable of the necessary expansion.


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