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SUMMARY: Mice orally infected with developed focal infiltrative necrotic lesions in the liver, as determined by both histology and liver function tests. The initial histopathological feature was a focal infiltrative lesion in the parenchyma and portal triads. Foci of infiltrative lesions became necrotic between days 30 and 60 post-inoculation (p.i.). During this period, portal infiltrates increased in severity. From month 4 p.i., focal areas of infiltrative necrosis in the liver parenchyma became extensive. Study of liver function demonstrated mild elevations of transaminases, alkaline phosphatase and lactic dehydrogenase, and also the presence of hypoalbuminaemia. Although histopathological changes of the liver became gradually more marked after day 30 p.i., liver functions of infected mice were most affected at 2 months p.i. The capacity of to induce hepatic lesions seemed to be related to that of organisms to persist in the gall bladder; there was no correlation between biliary carriage in infected mice and positive faecal culture.


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