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Summary: Stationary phase cultures of 2 mutants of were tested to discover whether they had undergone the changes which wild-type cells show in response to nutrient deprivation. The sensitivity to a 52C heat shock, nystatin treatment and Zymolyase digestion of the cell wall was determined in isogenic 2 and 2 strains in both exponential and stationary growth phases. In each case, 2 cells become more resistant to these treatments in stationary phase but 2 cells in stationary phase retained the sensitivity of exponential cultures. In addition, glycogen accumulation was reduced in the 2 mutant, and DAPI fluorescent staining of the nuclei revealed that nuclear cycle arrest did not occur in G1, but at a minimum of three different phases of the cell cycle. We conclude that under the conditions of deprivation which occur in stationary phase, 2 mutants retain the properties of exponentially growing cells.


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