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Vegetative cells of Azotobacter vinelandii were induced to encyst in the presence of β-hydroxybutyrate. Although modal cell volume fluctuated (2·7 to 4 μm3) markedly during exponential growth, the final modal volume attained by mature cysts (1·13 to 1·3 μm3) was relatively constant. Respiratory activity of encysting cultures fell rapidly 3 h after initiation of encystment. This was accompanied by decreased inhibition of respiration by KCN. NADH oxidase activity of membrane preparations fell from approximately 450 to 50 nmol O2 consumed min–1 (mg protein)–1 during differentiation and was also less sensitive to KCN. Difference spectra of cytochromes in membrane preparations revealed a number of changes. Amounts of cytochromes b, c and a 1 all fell during encystment; cytochrome o levels increased whilst cytochrome oxidase d was gradually lost from the membrane during the first 22 h of morphogenesis.
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