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Analysis of the lipids of , by thin-layer chromatography, revealed the presence of two families of novel glycolipids each having two closely-related members but differing widely in polarity. The least and most polar families of lipids were characterized from strains C and H37Rv, respectively; all were based on trehalose, the least polar pair of glycolipids having more long-chain substituents than the more polar pair. The acyl substituents of the least polar of the four glycolipids were mainly straight-chain C and C acids and 2,4,6-trimethyltetracos-2-enoic (C-mycolipenic) acid, and the second least polar glycolipid contained major amounts of 3-hydroxy-2,4,6-trimethyltetracosanoic (C-mycolipanolic) acid in addition to these non-hydroxylated acids. The relatively polar pair of glycolipids were analysed together and released mainly straight-chain C and C acids, C-mycolipanolic acid, minor amounts of C-and C-mycolipenic acids and major proportions of an acid having the chromatographic properties of 2,4-dimethyldocosanoic acid. The most polar pair of glycolipids co-chromatographed with glycolipid antigens previously detected in BCG.


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