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H production by the human protozoan parasite was monitored continuously under a mobile gas phase using a membrane-inlet mass spectrometer. Simultaneous and continuous measurement of dissolved H, O and CO indicated that H evolution was inhibited at levels of O (<0‧25 μ) undetectable by the technique, whereas CO production was stimulated. Respiration was not stimulated by admitting H to the gas phase. Metronidazole inhibited both H and CO production. Values of for inhibition of H formation in strain ATCC 30001 (metronidazole sensitive) of 0‧16 m and in strain 85 (metronizadole resistant) of 1‧0 m were obtained. These data suggest that metronidazole not only competes with protons as electron acceptor but that the drug itself or a product of reduction actively inhibits some hydrogenosomal enzyme or electron carrier involved in H production. Under these conditions metronidazole inhibition leads to irreversible loss of cell motility.


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