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Genes involved in the biosynthesis of a fluorescent pigment by pv. syringae () JL2000 were investigated. A genomic library of this strain was constructed using the broad host range cosmid vector, pLAFRl. Nonfluorescent (Flu) mutants of JL2000, defective in the biosynthesis of a fluorescent pigment, were obtained after ethyl methanesulphonate mutagenesis. Individual recombinant plasmids from the genomic library were introduced into Flu mutants. Of a total of 146 Flu mutants, 36 were restored to fluorescence following matings with individual recombinant colonies in the genomic library. Four separate fluorescence restoration groups, each comprised of 5 to 11 Flu mutants restored to fluorescence by one of four structurally distinct recombinant plasmids, were identified. Whereas the 36 Flu mutant strains differed in their abilities to grow on an iron-deficient medium, wild-type strain JL2000 and all Flu transconjugants from these 36 crosses grew on an iron-deficient medium. These results indicate that at least four genes or gene clusters are involved in the production of a fluorescent pigment strain JL2000. These genes, with few exceptions, also control the ability of strain JL 2000 to grow under iron-limiting conditions.


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