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Protein synthesis at different stages of yeast-mycelial transition induced by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine in Candida albicans was evaluated by following incorporation of radioactive amino acids into the acid-insoluble cellular material. In passing from the early germ-tube formation (60–90 min) to the mature hyphal cell (240–270 min) there was a marked decrease in the capacity for protein synthesis. Apparently, this decrease was not due to a decreased amino acid uptake into the soluble cellular pool or to exhaustion of carbon/energy source in the inducing medium with consequent arrest of growth. Protein synthesis, however, did not decay when amino acids at high concentration were added to the medium fostering the yeast-mycelial transition and this effect was potentiated by glucose.
Analysis of the intracellular amino acid pool showed that both germ-tubes and hyphal cells were relatively depleted of several amino acids as compared to the yeast-form cells, whereas in the hyphae there was a higher concentration of glutamic acid/glutamine, the latter being the predominant component. These modulations in amino acid pool composition were not seen when yeasts were converted to hyphae in an amino acid-rich induction medium. This study emphasizes that yeast-form cells of C. albicans may efficiently convert to the mycelial form even under a progressively lowered rate of protein synthesis, and suggests that initiation of hyphal morphogenesis in the presence of N-acetyl-d-glucosamine is somehow separated from cellular growth.