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Elementary bodies of lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) strains of contain, in addition to the genomic DNA, a 6·7 kb plasmid. The plasmid from serovar L2 (434-B) was cloned at the HI site of pBR327 into and a restriction cleavage map of this pLGV125 recombinant plasmid determined. All 15 C. serovars contained DNA sequences that hybridized with pLGV125. When total DNA from L2 elementary bodies was used as a probe in Southern blotting and spot hybridization, serovars L1, L2 and L3 exhibited significant homology. The detection level of homologous DNA was 100 pg and LGV DNA was detectable in infected cells when total L2 probe was used in the nucleic acid hybridization test. These DNA probes may be useful as investigative and diagnostic reagents for


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