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A new, Gram-negative, multicellular, filamentous, gliding bacterium is described. The organism was isolated from the sediment of a eutrophic lake on a dilute peptone medium. The growth habit on solid media was characterized by spreading whorls of growth and spiral colonies. Filaments, 8 to 150 μm long, were composed of cylindrical cells 1·1 μm wide by 3 to 30 μm long. Junctions between individual cells within a filament were marked by constrictions. The organism was not pigmented, and therefore resembled members of the genus . Comparision with two strains showed important differences in cytochrome composition, DNA base composition, isoprenoid quinone content, and sensitivity to actinomycin D, which indicated that the isolate was more closely related to the than to spp. The organism did not resemble any previously described taxon of . On the basis of differences from both spp. and flexibacteria it is proposed that the organism be placed in a new genus, , with the type species named as sp. nov., from its origin in sediment. The type strain of is 1SS101 (NCIB 11923).

The organism was a strict aerobe capable of growth on defined mixtures of amino acids, and had a requirement for vitamins. Only amino acids served as substrates. The organism required particular combinations of amino acids for growth. No single amino acid or mixture of amino acids from a single biosynthetic family supported growth.


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