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Chloramphenicol and streptomycin inhibited vegetative growth and sporulation of wild-type isolates of Phytophthora infestans (B.25, C1234, respectively) but not the corresponding resistant isolates (Cr, Sr), or a streptomycin-dependent mutant (Sd); in the latter streptomycin was stimulatory. Chloramphenicol inhibited zoospore release in B.25 and Cr but direct sporangial germination of Cr was reduced only at high concentrations. Streptomycin inhibited zoospore release and direct sporangial germination equally in wild-type and Sr. Chloramphenicol was fungistatic, whereas streptomycin was fungistatic or fungicidal, depending on its concentration and length of incubation with the fungus. Delayed addition of antibiotics to liquid cultures of the wild-type isolates reduced growth inhibition.
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