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Enrichments were established to examine the potential of Blelham Tarn profundal sediment to metabolize benzoate to CH and CO. Longadaptation times were required before benzoate-dependent CH production occurred, though both increased inoculum size and prior methanogenic adaption to aliphatic fatty acids reduced the adaptation time. Benzoate was metabolized according to the stoichiometry: 4CHCOOH + 18HO 15CH + 13CO. The optimum temperature for CH production from benzoate in the enrichments was 37°C irrespective of the enrichment temperature. Methanogenic benzoate degradation was associated with a particulatefloc in the enrichments and was tentatively identified as an important constituent of this floc by scanning electron microscopy. Anaerobic benzoate fermentation was observed after 4 h in undiluted sediment by the use of [C]benzoate, and the temperature optimum for C-labelled gas formation was 28°C. The CH: CO ratio indicated that methanogenic fermentation of benzoate was occurring CO became the main gaseous product from [C]benzoate when sulphate was added to sediment, and 20 m-molybdate reversed this effect. Methanogenesis was slightly inhibited by addition of 20 m-molybdate. Methanogenic benzoate fermentation in sediments was found to be inhibited by H.


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