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Glucosamine, mannose and 2-deoxyglucose enter Escherichia coli by the phosphotransferase system coded for by the gene ptsM. The glucosamine- and mannose-negative, deoxyglucose-resistant phenotype of ptsM mutants can be suppressed by a mutation mapping near ptsG that allows constitutive expression of the glucose phosphotransferase coded for by the gene ptsG.
N-Acetylglucosamine enters E. coli by two distinct phosphotransferase systems ( White, 1970 ). One of these is the PtsM system, the other is coded for by a gene which maps near the nag A, B genes at about min 15 on the E. coli chromosome. We propose that this gene be designated ptsN. Strains with either of these components of the phosphotransferase system will utilize N-acetylglucosamine as sole carbon source.
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