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SUMMARY: The production of fimbriate (Fim) recombinants was observed in transductional crosses between different pairs of wild-type strains of different biotypes of . Fim recombinants were readily produced in transductions from Fim donor strains to Fim recipient strains and, less frequently, between some pairs of Fim strains, for example, between almost any strain of the FIRN biogroup (Fim Inl Rha Bxyl) and many strains of the non-FIRN Fim biogroup. None of numerous crosses between different pairs of FIRN strains gave Fim recombinants, suggesting that the mutation was present at the same intragenic site in all FIRN strains. FIRN strains are thought to have descended from a single ancestral FIRN bacterium which originated by a series of mutations from a strain of the common biotype la (Fim Inl Rha Bxyl). Two FIRN-like (Fim Inl Rha Bxyl) strains that did not yield Fim recombinants in crosses with FIRN strains were probably wild-type Inl mutants from FIRN strains.


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