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Preparations of protoplasm, nuclei and mitochondria were introduced into living Verticillium cells. Most of the hyphae of auxotrophs injected with protoplasm obtained from complementary auxotrophs survived micro-injection (80%). Of these, 21% formed ‘artificial’ heterokaryons from which both parental genotypes were recovered by conidial analysis. Reciprocal injections of protoplasm were made between auxotrophic strains with darkly-pigmented resting structures (Hyl) and hyaline strains lacking resting structures (Hyl. Conidial analysis resulted in the recovery of all auxotrophic markers. The majority of phenotypes having darkly-pigmented resting structures were of the Hyl type (92 to 96%), but a few were partially or completely hyaline. Reciprocal injections between Hyl or Hyl 'sooty’ (Sot) strains and Hyl or Hyl Sot strains (hyaline strains induced by ultraviolet-irradiation from Sot auxotrophs) revealed the cytoplasmic inheritance of the Hyl marker in contrast to the nuclear inheritance of the Sot marker. The survival of recipient cells injected with preparations of nuclei was 30 to 40% on complete medium but conidial analyses indicated that heterokaryons were not produced. The survival of hyphae injected with mitochondrial preparations was 40 to 45%, and these colonies showed considerable morphological instability which was overcome during 2 to 3 weeks incubation. Conidial analyses of Hyl recipients injected with Hyl mitochondrial preparations resulted in 13 to 21% darkly-pigmented variants. These results suggest that one or more factors controlling darkly-pigmented structures were present in the mitochondrial preparations from the Hyl donor cytoplasm.


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