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Individual deletions of three genes encoding orphan DNA methyltransferases resulted in the occurrence of growth defect only in the (encoding denine ethylase A) mutant of strain ATCC 17978. Our single-molecule real-time sequencing-based methylome analysis revealed multiple AamA-mediated DNA methylation sites and proposed a potent census target motif (TTTRATTYAAA). Loss of Dam led to modulation of genome-wide gene expression, and several Dam-target sites including the promoter region of the operon ( and ) were identified through our methylome and transcriptome analyses. AamA methylation also appeared to control the expression of many genes linked to membrane functions (, ), replication () and protein synthesis ( operon) in the strain ATCC 17978. Interestingly, cellular resistance against several antibiotics and ethidium bromide through functions of efflux pumps diminished in the absence of the gene, and the complementation of gene restored the wild-type phenotypes. Other tested phenotypic traits such as outer-membrane vesicle production, biofilm formation and virulence were also affected in the mutant. Collectively, our data indicated that epigenetic regulation through AamA-mediated DNA methylation of novel target sites mostly in the regulatory regions could contribute significantly to changes in multiple phenotypic traits in ATCC 17978.

This study was supported by the:
  • National Research Foundation of Korea (Award NRF-2020M3A9H5104237)
    • Principle Award Recipient: WoojunPark
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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