
Amazonian soil microbial communities are known to be affected by the forest-to-pasture conversion, but the identity and metabolic potential of most of their organisms remain poorly characterized. To contribute to the understanding of these communities, here we describe metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) recovered from 12 forest and pasture soil metagenomes of the Brazilian Eastern Amazon. We obtained 11 forest and 30 pasture MAGs (≥50% of completeness and ≤10 % of contamination), distributed among two archaeal and 11 bacterial phyla. The taxonomic classification results suggest that most MAGs may represent potential novel microbial taxa. MAGs selected for further evaluation included members of , , , , , , , , and , thus revealing their roles in carbohydrate degradation and mercury detoxification as well as in the sulphur, nitrogen, and methane cycles. A methane-producing of the genus was almost exclusively recovered from pasture soils, which can be linked to a sink-to-source shift after the forest-to-pasture conversion. The novel MAGs constitute an important resource to help us unravel the yet-unknown microbial diversity in Amazonian soils and its functional potential and, consequently, the responses of these microorganisms to land-use change.

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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