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Although Derby ST71 strains have been recognized as poultry-specific by previous studies, multiple swine-associated . Derby ST71 strains were identified in this long-term, multi-site epidemic study. Here, 15 representative swine-associated . Derby ST71 strains were sequenced and compared with 65 (one swine-associated and 64 poultry-associated) . Derby ST71 strains available in the NCBI database at a pangenomic level through comparative genomics analysis to identify genomic features related to the differentiation of swine-associated strains and previously reported poultry-associated strains. The distribution patterns of known pathogenicity islands (SPIs) and virulence factor (VF) encoding genes were not capable of differentiating between the two strain groups. The results demonstrated that the . Derby ST71 population harbours an open pan-genome, and swine-associated ST71 strains contain many more genes than the poultry-associated strains, mainly attributed to the prophage sequence contents in the genomes. The numbers of prophage sequences identified in the swine-associated strains were higher than those in the poultry-associated strains. Prophages specifically harboured by the swine-associated strains were found to contain genes that facilitate niche adaptation for the bacterial hosts. Gene deletion experiments revealed that the gene specifically present in the prophage of the swine-associated strains is important for . Derby to adhere onto the host cells. This study provides novel insights into the roles of prophages during the genome differentiation of .

This study was supported by the:
  • the fifth phase of “333 project” scientific research project in Jiangsu Province (Award BRA2020002)
    • Principle Award Recipient: XinanJiao
  • Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Award BK20180911)
    • Principle Award Recipient: YunzengZhang
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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