
Understanding the dynamics and mechanisms of acquired drug resistance across major classes of antibiotics and bacterial pathogens is of critical importance for the optimization of current anti-infective therapies and the development of novel ones. To systematically address this challenge, we developed a workflow combining experimental evolution in a morbidostat continuous culturing device with deep genomic sequencing of population samples collected in time series. This approach was applied to the experimental evolution of six populations of BW25113 towards acquiring resistance to triclosan (TCS), an antibacterial agent in various consumer products. This study revealed the rapid emergence and expansion (up to 100% in each culture within 4 days) of missense mutations in the gene, encoding enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase, the known TCS molecular target. A follow-up analysis of isolated clones showed that distinct amino acid substitutions increased the drug IC in a 3–16-fold range, reflecting their proximity to the TCS-binding site. In contrast to other antibiotics, efflux-upregulating mutations occurred only rarely and with low abundance. Mutations in several other genes were detected at an earlier stage of evolution. Most notably, three distinct amino acid substitutions were mapped in the C-terminal periplasmic domain of CadC protein, an acid stress-responsive transcriptional regulator. While these mutations do not confer robust TCS resistance, they appear to play a certain, yet unknown, role in adaptation to relatively low drug pressure. Overall, the observed evolutionary trajectories suggest that the FabI enzyme is the sole target of TCS (at least up to the ~50 µm level), and amino acid substitutions in the TCS-binding site represent the main mechanism of robust TCS resistance in . This model study illustrates the potential utility of the established morbidostat-based approach for uncovering resistance mechanisms and target identification for novel drug candidates with yet unknown mechanisms of action.

This study was supported by the:
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche
    • Principle Award Recipient: SemenLeyn
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License.

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