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Pathogen genomic data are increasingly used to characterize global and local transmission patterns of important human pathogens and to inform public health interventions. Yet, there is no current consensus on how to measure genomic variation. To test the effect of the variant-identification approach on transmission inferences for we conducted an experiment in which five genomic epidemiology groups applied variant-identification pipelines to the same outbreak sequence data. We compared the variants identified by each group in addition to transmission and phylogenetic inferences made with each variant set. To measure the performance of commonly used variant-identification tools, we simulated an outbreak. We compared the performance of three mapping algorithms, five variant callers and two variant filters in recovering true outbreak variants. Finally, we investigated the effect of applying increasingly stringent filters on transmission inferences and phylogenies. We found that variant-calling approaches used by different groups do not recover consistent sets of variants, which can lead to conflicting transmission inferences. Further, performance in recovering true variation varied widely across approaches. While no single variant-identification approach outperforms others in both recovering true genome-wide and outbreak-level variation, variant-identification algorithms calibrated upon real sequence data or that incorporate local reassembly outperform others in recovering true pairwise differences between isolates. The choice of variant filters contributed to extensive differences across pipelines, and applying increasingly stringent filters rapidly eroded the accuracy of transmission inferences and quality of phylogenies reconstructed from outbreak variation. Commonly used approaches to identify genomic variation have variable performance, particularly when predicting potential transmission links from pairwise genetic distances. Phylogenetic reconstruction may be improved by less stringent variant filtering. Approaches that improve variant identification in repetitive, hypervariable regions, such as long-read assemblies, may improve transmission inference.

This study was supported by the:
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Award R01 AI130058)
    • Principle Award Recipient: Jason R. Andrews
  • Stanford University, Maternal and Child Health Research Institute (US) (Award Postdoctoral Support Award)
    • Principle Award Recipient: Katharine S. Walter
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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