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Verotoxigenic (VTEC) are food- and water-borne pathogens associated with both sporadic illness and outbreaks of enteric disease. While it is known that cattle are reservoirs of VTEC, little is known about the genomic variation of VTEC in cattle, and whether the variation in genomes reported for human outbreak strains is consistent with individual animal or group/herd sources of infection. A previous study of VTEC prevalence identified serotypes carried persistently by three consecutive cohorts of heifers within a closed herd of cattle. This present study aimed to: (i) determine whether the genomic relatedness of bovine isolates is similar to that reported for human strains associated with single source outbreaks, (ii) estimate the rates of genome change among dominant serotypes over time within a cattle herd, and (iii) identify genomic features of serotypes associated with persistence in cattle. Illumina MiSeq genome sequencing and genotyping based on allelic and single nucleotide variations were completed, while genome change over time was measured using Bayesian evolutionary analysis sampling trees. The accessory genome, including the non-protein-encoding intergenic regions (IGRs), virulence factors, antimicrobial-resistance genes and plasmid gene content of representative persistent and sporadic cattle strains were compared using Fisher’s exact test corrected for multiple comparisons. Herd strains from serotypes O6:H34 (=22), O22:H8 (=30), O108:H8 (=39), O139:H19 (=44) and O157:H7 (=106) were readily distinguishable from epidemiologically unrelated strains of the same serotype using a similarity threshold of 10 or fewer allele differences between adjacent nodes. Temporal-cohort clustering within each serotype was supported by date randomization analysis. Substitutions per site per year were consistent with previously reported values for ; however, there was low branch support for these values. Acquisition of the phage-encoded Shiga toxin 2 gene in serotype O22:H8 was observed. Pan-genome analyses identified accessory regions that were more prevalent in persistent serotypes (≤0.05) than in sporadic serotypes. These results suggest that VTEC serotypes from a specific cattle population are highly clonal with a similar level of relatedness as human single-source outbreak-associated strains, but changes in the genome occur gradually over time. Additionally, elements in the accessory genomes may provide a selective advantage for persistence of VTEC within cattle herds.

This study was supported by the:
  • Government of Canada Genomics and Research Development Initiative
    • Principle Award Recipient: Not Applicable
  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License.

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