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species have a worldwide distribution and are commonly found as saprophytes of soil or water. However, they can cause human disease especially in immunocompromised patients, with respiratory infection being the most frequent clinical manifestation of the disease. The aim of the present work was to describe the first clinical isolation of from the sputum of a patient from the north of Spain suspected of having tuberculosis.

Case Presentation:

In November 2012, a chest X-ray showed a mass in the left upper lobe of the lung of a 75-year-old man with persistent cough with bloody expectoration. The patient was sent to the outpatient pulmonology consultation for further studies. In the sputum sent for mycobacterial study, a isolate was present that was identified by sequencing a 1440 bp fragment of the 16S rRNA gene as at the Special Bacteriology Reference Laboratory at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA).


The clinical significance of in the sputum of this patient was uncertain, as symptoms of persistent cough with haemoptysis in the absence of other identified causes suggested the possible involvement of in a bronchial lung infection. However, the spontaneous resolution of symptoms without specific antimicrobial treatment pointed to the possibility of a transient colonization. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evidence in the literature of the isolation of in humans.


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