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spp. are a rare but recognized cause of bloodstream infections (BSIs), particularly catheter‐related BSIs (CR‐BSI). These infections are mostly associated with long‐term central catheters and occur in immunocompromised patients. Their optimal management is still uncertain due to the paucity of cases.

Case presentation:

We describe a case of CR‐BSI by in a bone‐marrow transplant patient. Definitive diagnosis of the CR‐BSI was confirmed by using the differential time to positivity of blood cultures. The patient was treated with antibiotic therapy without catheter removal and the infection cleared despite the presence of persistent bacteraemia.


Although in the present case report persistent CR‐BSI bacteraemia by cleared without catheter removal, further experience is required to confirm that these infections can, in some cases, be successfully treated while retaining the catheter.

  • This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (

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