- Volume 46, Issue 6, 1997
Volume 46, Issue 6, 1997
- Articles
- Editorial
- Review Article
- Diagnostic Methods
Media for the Detection and Recognition of the Enteropathogen Providencia Alcalifaciens in Faeces
More LessA medium (PAM: Providencia alcalifaciens medium) is described that enables the presence of the enteropathogen P. alcalifaciens in faeces to be detected with ease and simplicity. This organism is probably the only oxidase-negative organism likely to be present in tetrathionate broth cultures of faeces that is unable to ferment the mannitol, xylose or galactose present in the medium. Thus the red colonies of P. alcalifaciens appeared quite distinct from the lemon-yellow acid-forming colonies of all the other bacteria that ferment one or more of these sugars. Extensive tests showed the medium to be both highly specific and sensitive in detecting P. alcalifaciens. Two additional media are described that enable the identity of presumptive P. alcalifaciens isolates to be confirmed unequivocally and with ease.
- Epidemiological Typing
Genetic Differentiation of Australian Isolates of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis
More LessAs part of an epidemiological study of tuberculosis in Australia, 84 isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from patients were analysed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The isolates were genetically heterogeneous, with 66 different DNA banding patterns obtained following digestion of genomic DNA with Dra1 and 53 patterns with Xba1. When the results were compared with those previously obtained in restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP), in 87% of cases the results with Dra1 were consistent with those obtained with insertion sequence IS6110 as a probe in RFLP. However, PFGE was able to differentiate four of eight isolates which were identical with IS6110 typing. The high polymorphism amongst strains and the high average age of the patients (51 years) suggested that most organisms were cultured from patients who had reactivation of existing infections. Isolates with identical DNA patterns were found in different states of Australia, but no one strain predominated in any area. This suggests that tuberculosis has been introduced into Australia from various sources.
Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis Genomic Fingerprinting of Hospital Escherichia Coli Bacteraemia Isolates
More LessPulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), because of the increased sensitivity it affords over other methods of bacterial genotyping, represents a potentially powerful tool for the characterisation of isolates from hospital infections. Genomic fingerprinting by PFGE was applied to all clinical isolates of Escherichia coli obtained from blood during a 6month period (78 isolates, 58 patients) at the University of Michigan Medical Center. The rare-restriction patterns of these isolates, in contrast to those of isolates from the E. coli reference collection (ECOR), were not randomly distributed through the E. coli species. Four related clusters, which represented c. 21% of the blood isolates, were identified. Two of these genotypic clusters were also clustered temporally, their members all being isolated within the same 2-week period, while the other two clusters spanned the study period. These observations indicate in-hospital endemic vectors or the occurrence of specialised E. coli lineages that are capable of invading the bloodstream and exploiting in-hospital vectors, or both.
International Quality Control of Phage Typing of Staphylococcus Aureus
More LessA questionnaire was sent to the 48 national typing centres for Staphylococcus aureus and 31 replies were received. Methods of phage typing varied and molecular methods were not universally available, although pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was offered by 13 centres. Results for a quality control phage typing exercise were received from 25 centres. Increased standardisation of methods and definitions are indicated. Differences from the consensus patterns were mainly due to typing at an inappropriate dilution of phage, but five strains caused difficulties in many centres. Overall reproducibility was good. Phage typing remains a cost-effective method for epidemiological studies, particularly on a large scale. The strains selected for the quality control exercise included many strains suitable for controlling molecular methods as well as testing phage typing. Molecular methods help in the validation of the conclusions which may be drawn from phage typing.
- Clinical Microbiology
Risk Factors, Aetiology, Therapy and Outcome in 123 Episodes of Breakthrough Bacteraemia and Fungaemia during Antimicrobial Prophylaxis and Therapy in Cancer Patients
One hundred and twenty-three breakthrough bacteraemias (BB) were defined during a 5-year period in a National Cancer Centre, among 9986 admissions and a total of 979 bacteraemic episodes analysed. Of 123 bacteraemias in 103 patients, 77 were polymicrobial and 116 of the 323 organisms isolated were resistant to currently administered antimicrobial agents. Sixty-seven of the bacteraemic episodes were catheter-associated, as confirmed by the isolation of the same organisms from both blood and catheter tip. The strains isolated most frequently were coagulase-negative staphylococci (30.5%), corynebacteria (10%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (10%), Enterococcus faecalis (9%) and viridans streptococci (8.5%). Gram-positive aerobes accounted for two-thirds of all micro-organisms isolated during breakthrough bacteraemic and fungaemic episodes. Polymicrobial episodes were associated more frequently with vascular catheters and neutropenia, and had a less favourable outcome than monomicrobial infections. Relapse was associated more frequently with catheter-related episodes, but the overall mortality rate was similar and independent of catheter insertion. Breakthrough bacteraemic and fungaemic episodes were associated more frequently with acute leukaemia. Catheter removal, as an independent variable, and modification of antimicrobial therapy were essential for better outcome.
- Bacterial Pathogenicity
Role of Haemolytic and Non-Haemolytic Phospholipase C from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Interleukin-8 release from Human Monocytes
B. König, M. L. Vasil and W. KönigA massive accumulation of neutrophils, mainly due to enhanced interleukin-8 (IL-8) levels, is believed to contribute to the deleterious effects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection, e.g., in cystic fibrosis (CF). Antibodies to phospholipase C, an exoenzyme of P. aeruginosa, are detected early and at high levels in CF patients. However, P. aeruginosa produces at least two types of phospholipase C (PLC), one haemolytic (PLC-H) and the other non-haemolytic (PLC-N), both with mol. wts of c. 77 kDa. Experiments were performed to evaluate the potential contribution of P. aeruginosa PLC to neutrophil accumulation during infection. Therefore, P. aeruginosa PLC-H and PLC-N were compared with regard to IL-8 generation from human monocytes. Purified PLC-H as well as culture supernates (mol. wt > 50 kDa) of a P. aeruginosa strain capable of producing both PLC-H and PLC-N, and mutant strains deficient in the production of one or other phospholipase, or both, were examined. Purified PLC-H (only at low concentrations up to 1 unit/4 × 105monocytes), induced a dose-dependent increase in IL-8 release and IL-8-specific mRNA expression over that of unstimulated cells (at 4-, 12- and 24-h incubation times). Higher concentrations of PLC-H led to a decrease in IL-8 release and IL-8-specific mRNA expression. These findings were confirmed by the results obtained with the supernates of cultures of mutant strains of P. aeruginosa PAO1 that produced either a PLC-H or PLC-N or neither. Stimulation and inhibition of IL-8 release and mRNA expression were associated with a culture supernate fraction of mol. wt > 50 kDa and containing PLC-H. These results contribute to the understanding of the role of both P. aeruginosa PLC in IL-8 generation during their interaction with human monocytes.
Composition of Staphylococcal Bi-Component Toxins Determines Pathophysiological Reactions
W. König, G. Prevost and W. KönigStaphylococcus aureus produces numerous bi-component toxins, e.g., Panton-Valentine leukocidin (Luk-PVL) and γ-haemolysin, which consist of type S and F proteins. Previous studies showed that Luk-PVL induces inflammatory mediator release from human granulocytes that might reflect the in-vivo effects, e.g., dermonecrosis by Luk-PVL. Clinical isolates not only harbour the two genes coding for Luk-PVL (S-protein: LukS-PVL, F-protein: LukF-PVL) but also the three genes encoding γ-haemolysin (S-protein: HlgA, HlgB; F-protein: HlgC). The interaction of all the possible potential toxins with human granulocytes was studied with regard to the generation of oxygen metabolites (chemiluminescence response), enzyme activity (β-glucuronidase) and histamine release as well as interleukin (IL)-8 generation. The data clearly show that the individual subunits (S, F) differ in their activities. The following activities were obtained for the S components: LukS-PVL > HlgC > HlgA: the F components LukF-PVL and HlgB were similarly active. Thus, the toxins LukS-PVL/LukF-PVL and LukS-PVL/HlgB were the most potent inducers of inflammatory mediator release from human granulocytes, followed by HlgC/LukF-PVL and HlgC/HlgB and to a lesser degree by the toxins HlgA/LukF-PVL and HlgA/HlgB. The data indicate that class S components and class F components are interchangeable and give toxins with genuine biological activities.
Channel-Forming Leucotoxins from Staphylococcus Aureus cause Severe Inflammatory Reactions in a Rabbit Eye Model
More LessPanton-Valentine leucocidin arises from the combination of one S component (LukS-PV) with one F component (LukF-PV), whereas y-haemolysin comprises two S components (HlgA and HlgC) with one F component HlgB. The intravitreal injection of rabbit eye with the six combinations (S + F) of channel-forming leucotoxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 49775 induced acute inflammatory reactions depending on time and doses of toxins. These reactions involved posterior chamber as well as anterior chamber and conjunctiva, eyelids and annexes. Histological examination confirmed the involvement of eye tissues and the disruption of the retinal barrier. The lesions began only 4 h after injections and persisted for at least 5 days. Clinical and biological effects of each leucotoxin were modulated by the speed of onset and intensity of inflammation and necrosis, leading to a functional classification according to the severity of the lesions (HlgA + LukF-PV > HlgA + HlgB ⩾ LukS-PV + HlgB ⩾ LukS-PV + LukF-PV > HlgC + HlgB ⩾ HlgC + LukF-PV). Moreover, N-acetyl β-D glucosaminidase assays on crude extracts of vitreous revealed granules and granule secretions from polymorphonuclear cells with levels according the above classification. These results show that channel-forming leucotoxins have a very significant inflammatory activity. As most S. aureus strains produce two or even six leucotoxins depending on the production of Panton-Valentine leucocidin, these compounds could be considered to be virulence factors.
- Molecular Diagnosis
Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis DNA in Blood of Patients with Acute Pulmonary Tuberculosis by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Non-Isotopic Hybridisation Assay
The detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) by PCR and non-isotopic hybridisation assay was evaluated for the laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary M. tuberculosis infection. The PCR technique was based on the presence of IS6110, a DNA sequence specific for M. tuberculosis, and performed on PBMC from 30 patients belonging to the fifth group of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) classification of tuberculosis. The identification of amplification products was confirmed after electrophoresis by hybridisation with a non-isotopic probe in a DNA enzyme immunoassay (DEIA). Of the 30 blood samples studied by the PCR-DEIA technique, 26 gave positive results and four gave negative results. Blood samples from 30 subjects in a control group were negative by this technique. The data suggest that PCR-DEIA of blood may provide a sensitive, specific and useful means of diagnosing mycobacterial infection.
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