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The partial nucleotide sequences encoding the elongation factor Tu ( gene) (652 bp) and transfer-mRNA (tmRNA or gene) (340 bp) were determined to assess the suitability of these two genes as phylogenetic markers for the classification of mycobacteria, and thus as alternative target molecules for identifying mycobacteria. A total of 125 reference strains of the genus and 74 clinical isolates were amplified by PCR and sequenced. Phylogenies of the two genes constructed by the neighbour-joining method were created and compared to a concatenated tree of 16S rDNA, , and genes. The phylogenetic trees revealed the overall natural relationships among species. The tmRNA phylogeny was similar to that of 16S rDNA, with low resolving power. The gene provided better resolution of each mycobacterial species, with a phylogeny close to that of . However, none of these methods differentiated between the members of the complex or the subspecies of the complex. The correct identification of clinical isolates confirms the interest of these genes, especially . It is suggested from these findings that tmRNA might be useful as another housekeeping gene in a polyphyletic approach to species, but not as a first-line marker of species. gene analysis suggests that this gene could be used effectively for phylogenetic analysis and to identify mycobacteria.


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