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is a Gram-positive bacterium that is associated with active caries lesions. Methods for identifying species traditionally have been based upon culture methods coupled with biochemical tests, which are generally unreliable. The aim of this study was to develop a species-specific PCR assay for the direct detection of in oral clinical samples. PCR primers specific for were identified by alignment of bacterial 16S rRNA genes and selection of sequences specific for at their 3′ ends. PCR positivity for DNA was indicated by amplification of a 337 bp product. The primers were shown to be specific for DNA, since no PCR product was obtained when genomic DNA from a wide range of other oral bacteria, including closely related species, were used as test species. The PCR assay was then used in an attempt to identify DNA in supragingival plaque samples and in pus aspirates from subjects with acute dento-alveolar abscesses. Four out of 70 (5.7 %) supragingival plaque samples analysed were positive for the presence of DNA while none of the 19 pus samples analysed was positive for DNA. This PCR assay provides a more rapid, specific and sensitive alternative to conventional culture methods for the identification of in clinical specimens.


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