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A membrane-bound, haemolytic phospholipase A (PLA) activity was detected in clinical strains of isolated from children with gastroenteritis. The clinical strains were assigned into two molecular groups (genomospecies) based on PCR amplification of their 23S rDNA. This calcium-dependent, heat-stable, haemolytic PLA activity was detected in strains from both genomospecies. A crude haemolysin extract (CHE) was initially prepared from cellular outer-membrane proteins of these isolates and was further fractionated by ultrafiltration. The haemolytic activity of the extracted fraction (R30) was retained by ultrafiltration using a 30 kDa molecular mass cut-off filter, and was designated haemolysin extract (HE). Both CHE and HE had PLA activity and caused stable vacuolating and cytolytic effects on Chinese hamster ovary cells in tissue culture. Primers for the conserved region of gene (phospholipase A gene) from amplified a gene region of 460 bp in all tested isolates, confirming the presence of a homologous PLA gene sequence in . The detection of haemolytic PLA activity in indicates the presence of a potential virulence factor in this species and supports the hypothesis that is a possible opportunistic pathogen.


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