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The molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibilities of 273 isolates positive for the exfoliative toxin-encoding gene obtained from patients with impetigo in Japan in 2006 were studied. The gene was detected in 74 meticillin-resistant (MRSA) and 23 meticillin-susceptible (MSSA) isolates. All isolates with the staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC) were classified into type IV (92.8 %, 90/97) or V (7.2 %, 7/97). The ET-encoding gene was found primarily in strains with (87.7 %, 71/81), whilst (86.6 %, 161/186) was detected mainly in strains without . The chromosomal enterotoxin-encoding gene cluster was found in 83.0 % of strains with , whilst no enterotoxin-encoding gene was detected in strains with only . PFGE showed that each strain carrying , and could be classified into distinct groups. The susceptibility profiles of MRSA to antimicrobial agents excluding -lactams were similar to those of MSSA. Gentamicin- and clarithromycin-resistant strains were frequently found for both MRSA and MSSA. The aminoglycoside-resistance gene was detected in 97.3 % of MRSA and 85.4 % of MSSA. Additionally, the macrolide-resistance gene or was detected in 67.6 % of MRSA and 71.4 % of MSSA. Therefore, these results suggest that SCC types IV or V have spread, particularly in MSSA carrying in the community.


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