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Bovine trichomoniasis is a venereal disease that causes substantial economic losses to the cattle industry worldwide. It has been endemic in the USA since its discovery in the 1930s. The reasons for this long-lasting endemism are poorly understood. The main objective of this study was to identify herd-level risk factors for trichomoniasis in Wyoming beef cattle. A questionnaire was sent to all Wyoming beef cattle producers. The overall response proportion was 23.4 %. Questionnaires were returned from producers throughout the state in different geographical regions and with various herd sizes. In total, 863 questionnaires were analysed for correlation between the disease endemism and 25 variables. infections were found to be significantly (<0.05) associated with neighbouring a positive herd(s), grazing on public allotments and commingling with other herds. In addition, a delay in fixing broken fences approached statistical significance ( = 0.078). This study provides producers with valuable information and useful suggestions on how to effectively control and reduce the risks of bovine trichomoniasis.


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