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Avian intestinal spirochaetosis (AIS) results from the colonization of the caeca and colon of poultry by pathogenic , notably . Following the ban on the use of antibiotic growth promoters in the European Union in 2006, the number of cases of AIS has increased, which, alongside emerging antimicrobial resistance in , has driven renewed interest in alternative intervention strategies. -based probiotics have been shown to protect against infection with common enteric pathogens in livestock. Our previous studies have shown that LM1 antagonizes aspects of the pathobiology of . Here, we showed that LM1 mitigates the clinical symptoms of AIS in chickens experimentally challenged with . Two groups of 15 commercial laying hens were challenged experimentally by oral gavage with B2904 at 18 weeks of age; one group received unsupplemented drinking water and the other received LM1 in drinking water from 1 week prior to challenge with and thereafter for the duration of the study. This treatment regime was protective. Specifically, was detected by culture in fewer birds, bird weights were higher, faecal moisture contents were significantly lower (<0.05) and egg production as assessed by egg weight and faecal staining score was improved (<0.05). Also, at post-mortem examination, significantly fewer were recovered from treated birds (<0.05), with only mild–moderate histopathological changes observed. These data suggest that LM1 may be a useful tool in the control of AIS.


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