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Initial studies found that isolates from adults that grew on modified New York City medium (MNYC) that contained antibiotics selective for pathogenic neisseriae differed from strains that did not grow on this medium (MNYC) in their potential virulence properties. It was predicted that higher usage of antibiotics to treat respiratory illness in children might result in higher proportions of MNYC isolates if antibiotics were an important selective pressure for this phenotype. Two of 100 adult isolates (2 %) were MNYC, compared to 88 of 88 isolates (100 %) from children ( = 0.000). MNYC strains were serum-resistant and bound in higher numbers to HEp-2 cells that were infected with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Endotoxin from an MNYC isolate induced significantly higher pro-inflammatory response levels than endotoxin from an MNYC strain. MNYC adult isolates expressed haemagglutinins and bound in lower numbers to RSV-infected cells, but serum resistance was variable. All isolates from children were MNYC, serum-resistant and bound in greater numbers to RSV-infected cells. These results indicate that both RSV infection and antibiotic usage select for the MNYC phenotype.


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