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Macrolide antibiotics are frequently administered to treat mycoplasmal pneumonia. However, macrolide-resistant has recently been isolated from clinical specimens in Japan. Clarithromycin (CAM) is a 14-membered-ring macrolide that has host immunomodulatory activity. Here, we established a gnotobiotic mouse model that was monoassociated with macrolide-resistant , and pathologically and microbiologically analysed the effects of antibiotics against mycoplasmal pneumonia. We also examined the immunomodulatory activities of macrolide antibiotics in human lung carcinoma A549 cells and in a specific-pathogen-free (SPF) mouse model of pneumonia induced by antigen . CAM anti-mycoplasma antibiotics decreased the number of macrolide-sensitive and -resistant in the lungs of gnotobiotic mice. Thus, in SPF mice, CAM modulated pulmonary inflammation induced by antigens.


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