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putative virulence factors can undergo a continuously evolving mechanism as an approach to bacterial adaptation to the host changing environment during chronic infection. , and genetic diversity among isolates from multiple biopsies (niches) from the antrum and corpus of 40 patients was investigated. A set of 229 isolates was examined. Direct DNA sequence analysis of amplified fragments was used to study ‘on/off’ expression status as well as the presence of C or T insertion in that originates a continuous () gene. alleles were identified by multiplex PCR. Different inter-niches CT repeat patterns were observed in nine patients; in six of these, ‘on’ and ‘off’ mixed patterns were found. In three of these nine patients, different alleles were also observed in a single host. Inter-niche differences involved the absence and presence of and/or or mutations in , including those that may originate a non-functional gene, and they were also present in two patients with mixed CT patterns and in another seven patients. Evidence of mixed infection was observed in two patients only. In conclusion, and genes showed similar inter-niche variability, occurring in approximately 1/4 patients. Conversely, allele microevolution seemed to be a less common event, occurring in approximately 1/10 patients, probably due to the mechanism that this gene evolves ‘’.


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