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Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the most devastating form of meningitis and prompt diagnosis holds the key to its management. Conventional microbiology has limited utility and nucleic acid-based methods have not been widely accepted for various reasons. In view of the paucibacillary nature of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the recent demonstration of free DNA in clinical specimens, the present study was designed to evaluate the utility of CSF ‘filtrates’ for the diagnosis of TBM using PCR. One hundred and sixty-seven CSF samples were analysed from patients with ‘suspected’ TBM (=81) and a control group including other cases of meningitis or neurological disorders (=86). CSF ‘sediments’ and ‘filtrates’ were analysed individually for DNA by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and conventional PCR. Receiver-operating characteristic curves were generated from qRT-PCR data and cut-off values of 84 and 30 were selected for calling a ‘filtrate’ or ‘sediment’ sample positive, respectively. Based on these, TBM was diagnosed with 87.6 % and 53.1 % sensitivity ( <0.001) in ‘filtrates’ and ‘sediments’, respectively, and with 92 % specificity each. Conventional and IS PCR were also significantly more sensitive in ‘filtrates’ versus ‘sediments’ (sensitivity of 87.6 % and 85.2 % vs 31 % and 39.5 %, respectively; <0.001). The qRT-PCR test yielded a positive likelihood ratio of 11 and 6.6 by analysing ‘filtrate’ and ‘sediment’ fractions, respectively, which establishes the superiority of the ‘filtrate’-based assay over the ‘sediment’ assay. PCR findings were separately verified in 10 confirmed cases of TBM, where DNA was detected using PCR assays in ‘sediment’ and ‘filtrate’ fractions of all samples. From this study, we conclude that (i) CSF ‘filtrates’ contain a substantial amount of DNA and (ii) ‘filtrates’ and not ‘sediments’ are likely to reliably provide a PCR-based diagnosis in ‘suspected’ TBM patients.


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