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In recent years, metagenomics and then culturomics, which consists of the multiplication of media and culture conditions and the rapid identification of all bacterial colonies, have generated renewed interest in the human microbiota, and diseases associated with modifications in its composition in particular. The sample transport media included in diverse swab transport systems and the storage conditions are among the factors that influence the results of the culturomics. In this study, we compared the results of culturomics from paired skin, oral and rectal swabs from intensive care unit (ICU) patients using Culture Top sample transport medium as compared to our routine one. From 152 clinical samples, we were able to isolate and identify 45 600 colonies, belonging to 338 different bacterial species. The transport system Culture Top identified 282 different bacterial species, while 244 were identified by our routine system. Of these, 188 different bacterial species were commonly identified using both transport systems, while 94 (27.8 %) and 56 (16.5 %) were only identified using Culture Top and our routine system, respectively (P<0.001), but there was no significant difference in bacterial diversity at the genus or phylum level, or in terms of their type of respiration and cell wall. In conclusion, the Culture Top transport system appears to be complementary to our routine system, although it seems slightly superior in terms of isolated bacterial species.
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European Regional Developmental Fund
(Award PRIMI)
- Principle Award Recipient: BernardLa Scola
Agence Nationale de la Recherche
(Award 10-1AHU-03)
- Principle Award Recipient: BernardLa Scola