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Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by spp. As the disease is known to affect mostly men over 40 years old who previously worked handling soil, some cities of agricultural economy in endemic regions may have more cases of paracoccidioidal infection.

The true frequency of PCM cannot be established in Brazil because it is not a disease of mandatory reporting. The detection of paracoccidioidal infection may assist in the planning of health services, in order to provide early detection of the disease and to prevent its worsening or even progression to death. In addition, little is described about sera reactivity with antigens from different species of , especially .

Current research was conducted in an inland municipality of southern Brazil, in order to assess infection rate within this endemic region of PCM disease.

ELISA was employed to evaluate 359 sera from random volunteers from Guarapuava, Paraná, Brazil, to detect IgG against cell-free antigens (CFA) from B339, LDR3 and LDR2. Confirmatory ELISA employed gp43 from B339. Reduction of cross-reactions was sought by treatment with sodium metaperiodate (SMP-CFA, SMP-gp43). Immunoblot was performed with 37 selected sera among those reactive in ELISA. Epidemiological profile was assessed by questionnaire.

ELISA reactivity was: CFA/SMP-CFA in general 37.3/17.8 %, B339 25.3/14.5 %, LDR3 24.5/1.4 %, LDR2 8.3/5.8 %; gp43/SMP-gp43 7.2/4.7 %. There were sera reactive with multiple CFAs. In immunoblot, five sera showed the same reaction profile with ’s antigens as PCM disease sera. Rural residence and soil-related professions were risk factors for paracoccidioidal infection.

The low prevalence is in accordance with previous reports of lower PCM disease endemicity in Guarapuava than in other areas of Paraná. Although seems to be the prevalent strain of the region, 21 sera from people who only lived in Guarapuava reacted with LDR2. CFA-ELISA with whole antigens seems a good option for serological screening in epidemiological surveys.

This study was supported by the:
  • Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
    • Principle Award Recipient: Not Applicable
  • Ministério da Educação/Programa de Extensão Universitária
    • Principle Award Recipient: Not Applicable
  • Fundação Araucária
    • Principle Award Recipient: NotApplicable
  • Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
    • Principle Award Recipient: Not Applicable

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