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In recent years, metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) has become widely used in medical microbiology to detect pathogen infection.

We aimed to assess the diagnostic performance of mNGS of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for prediction of cryptococcal meningitis (CM).

A comparative evaluation of mNGS (performed on CSF samples) and conventional methods, including India ink staining, culture for fungi and cryptococcal-antigen (CrAg) detection by enzyme immunoassay, was performed on 12 consecutive non-HIV-infected patients with chronic or subacute CM.

India ink staining and culture of the CSF were positive for in 83.33 % (10/12) of the samples; 100 % (11/11) were positive via CrAg EIA. The mNGS results of the CSF identified DNA sequences corresponding to in 75 % of samples (9/12). However, the DNA of both . and . was detected concurrently in 33.33 % (4/12).

mNGS is helpful for identifying species. The application of mNGS, together with India ink staining, culture methods, and CrAg, may significantly improve the diagnostic precision in CM, thereby informing choice of appropriate antifungal treatment courses.


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