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High resolution molecular subtyping was applied to Penner heatstable (HS) 11 isolates from human infections and other sources. Strains were genotyped by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis involving PCR-based flagellin gene (A) profiling with I and I, and pulsed-field gel electrophoretic (PFGE) profiling with I and I. -genes of the strains were highly conserved as most (95%) had the same fla-profile. PFGE analysis of I digests was more discriminatory with 15 profile subtypes identified, although 36% of isolates had a common profile. The study showed that strains of HS11, unlike those of HS1 and the HS4 complex, were relatively homogeneous at the genomic level and that high resolution molecular techniques were essential for detailed epidemiological subtyping.


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