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An artificial neural network (ANN) was trained to distinguish between and . with averaged pyrolysis mass spectra from duplicate subcultures of four strains of each of these species, each pyrolysed in triplicate. Once trained, the ANN was interrogated with spectrum data from the original organisms (the “training set” and from 26 other mycobacterial isolates (the “ challenge set ”) of the . complex (MTBC). Eight strains of . and 13 of . , whether sensitive or variously resistant to antituberculosis drugs, were identified in agreement with conventional identification. Four strains of “. ” were identified as . . Of two atypical . strains from South India, one was identified as . and the other as . . Six strains of BCG proved heterogeneous; two gave equivocal identifications, three were identified as . and one was identified as . .


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