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Forty-seven non-cholera vibrios (NCV) isolated from patients admitted to a Calcutta hospital with acute diarrhoea were investigated. Most of the strains belonged to Heiberg groups (HG) I, II and VII. A detailed biochemical study proved that organisms allocated to HG I and II are related to each other in sharing many biochemical activities, whereas NCV of HG VII are biochemically inactive. The HG-VII strains were characterised by their instability in saline or acriflavine or in both, lack of pellicle formation, and resistance to 25 γ of ampicillin; they gave negative reactions in lactose fermentation tests and in the ONPG, Simmons’ citrate, K-P organic acid fermentation, V-P, and haemolysin tests.
The authors wish to thank Professor J. B. Chatterjea, Director, School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta, for his kind help during this investigation. The technical assistance of the late Mr B. R. Roy Chowdhury and Mr S. R. Sen Gupta is appreciated. Mr W. A. Cox of Allen and Hanbury Ltd, Ware, Herts, England, kindly supplied the sample of Vibriostatin 0/129.