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An identification method based on the failure of methicillin (5 μg) and oxacillin (1 μg) disks to inhibit enterococci on Mueller-Hinton Agar was evaluated. All strains tested of Streptococcus faecalis and its varieties and of S. faecium grew up to the edge of the disks; inhibition of S. faecium var. durans and of S. bovis was variable. In contrast, S. equinus and almost all streptococci not belonging to group-D streptococci showed inhibition zones of 10 mm or more.
The methicillin test seems suitable for use in the clinical laboratory in view of the scarcity of S. faecium var. durans, S. bovis and S. equinus in pathological material from man and of the margin of error of the traditional tests for enterococci.
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