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An IgG murine monoclonal antibody (designated MO8) specific for the serogroup C lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was generated by fusing mouse myeloma cells NS1 with spleen cells of BALB/c mice immunised with heat-killed . MO8 reacted with purified LPS prepared from serogroup C but did not react with that prepared from other O serogroups, and its reactivity was also specifically absorbed by serogroup C only. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the serogroup C LPS and subsequent immunoblotting with MO8 yielded multiple reactive bands giving a characteristic ladder pattern. The specificity of MO8 was further demonstrated in the slide agglutination test with 223 bacteria, of which only 25 belonging to serogroup C reacted with the MO8 ascitic fluid. The specificity of MO8 makes it useful not only for the serological identification of but also for the epitope analysis of the serogroup C LPS.


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