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and ureases are nickel-requiring metallo-enzymes that hydrolyse urea to NH and CO. In both and in an model of urease activity, a high affinity nickel transporter, NixA, is required for optimal urease activity, whereas the urea-dependent UreR positive transcriptional activator governs optimal urease expression in . The gene is a flagellar biosynthesis and regulatory gene that modulates urease activity in the model of urease activity. All mutants of eight strains of were non-motile and five had a strain-dependent alteration in urease activity. The gene decreased urease activity 15-fold when expressed in containing the urease locus and the gene; this was reversed by disruption of . The gene decreased transcription. also decreased urease activity three-fold in containing the urease locus in a urea- and UreR-dependent fashion. Here the gene repressed the urease promoter. Thus, FlbA decreased urease activity of both and , but through distinct mechanisms. wild-type strain SS1 colonised gerbils at a mean of 5.4×105mucfu/g of antrum and caused chronic gastritis and lesions in the antrum. In contrast, the mutant did not colonise five of six gerbils and caused no lesions, indicating that motility mediated by was required for colonisation. Because FlbA regulates flagellar biosynthesis and secretion, as well as forming a structural component of the flagellar secretion apparatus, two seemingly unrelated virulence attributes, motility and urease, may be coupled in and and possibly also in other motile, ureolytic bacteria.


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