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Many pathogenic bacteria express plasminogen receptors on their surface, which may play a role in the dissemination of organisms by binding plasminogen that, when converted to plasmin, can digest extracellular matrix proteins. A 45-kDa protein was purified from and confirmed as an α-enolase by its ability to catalyse the dehydration of 2-phospho--glycerate to phosphoenolpyruvate and by N-terminal sequencing. The activity of α-enolase was found in the cytoplasm and in whole cells. Activity was also demonstrated in cell wall fractions, which confirmed that α-enolase is a cytoplasmic antigen also expressed on the surface of . The plasminogen-binding activity of α-enolase was examined by Western blot, which showed that purified α-enolase was able to bind human plasminogen. Immunoblots of the purified 45-kDa α-enolase with 22 sera from patients with pneumococcal disease showed binding in 15 cases, indicating that pneumococcal enolase is immunogenic.


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