Volume 95,
Issue 9,
Volume 95, Issue 9, 2014
- Animal
- Retroviruses
Prototype endogenous avian retroviruses of the genus Gallus
More LessAncient endogenous retroviruses (ERVs), designated endogenous avian retrovirus (EAVs), are present in all Gallus spp. including the chicken, and resemble the modern avian sarcoma and leukosis viruses (ASLVs). The EAVs comprise several distinct retroviruses, including EAV-0, EAV-E51 and EAV-HP, as well as a putative member previously named the avian retrotransposon of chickens (ART-CH). Thus far, only the EAV-HP elements have been well characterized. Here, we determined sequences of representative EAV-0 and EAV-E51 proviruses by cloning and data mining of the 2011 assembly of the Gallus gallus genome. Although the EAV-0 elements are primarily deleted in the env region, we identified two complete EAV-0 env genes within the G. gallus genome and prototype elements sharing identity with an EAV-E51-related clone previously designated EAV-E33. Prototype EAV-0, EAV-E51 and EAV-E33 gag, pol and env gene sequences used for phylogenetic analysis of deduced proteins showed that the EAVs formed three distinct clades, with EAV-0 sharing the last common ancestor with the ASLVs. The EAV-E51 clade showed the greatest level of divergence compared with other EAVs or ASLVs, suggesting that these ERVs represented exogenous retroviruses that evolved and integrated into the germline over a long period of time. Moreover, the degree of divergence between the chicken and red jungle fowl EAV-E51 sequences suggested that they were more ancient than the other EAVs and may have diverged through mutations that accumulated post-integration. Finally, we showed that the ART-CH elements were chimeric defective ERVs comprising portions of EAV-E51 and EAV-HP rather than authentic retrotransposons.
- RNA viruses
Generation of an infectious Negev virus cDNA clone
More LessThe genus Negevirus consists of insect-only viruses isolated from mosquitoes and sandflies. Here, we report the successful construction of a full-length infectious cDNA clone of Negev virus (NEGV) strain M30957. Viral RNA was transcribed in vitro and virus was readily rescued with or without the use of a cap analogue. These results strongly suggest that NEGV, and likely other members within the genus, is a non-segmented, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus.
- RNA viruses
Effects of modifying alternative respiration on nitric oxide-induced virus resistance and PR1 protein accumulation
More LessNitric oxide (NO) is an important defensive signal in plants but its effects on virus infection are not well understood. Administration of NO-releasing compounds immediately before inoculation of tobacco leaves with potato virus X and tobacco mosaic virus decreased the accumulation of virus, indicating that NO can induce resistance rapidly. Resistance induction was inhibited by co-administration with an NO-scavenging compound or when experiments were done in transgenic tobacco plants expressing increased alternative respiratory pathway capacity due to constitutive expression of the plant mitochondrial enzyme, alternative oxidase (AOX). These results indicate that NO, which inhibits electron transport chain activity, is triggering defensive signalling by inducing changes in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species levels that are in turn regulated by AOX. Experiments using nahG-transgenic plants, which cannot accumulate the defensive plant hormone salicylic acid (SA) showed that NO rapidly induces resistance to virus infection independently of SA. However, this initial state of resistance may be transient. Subsequently, by 5 days post-treatment, NO had caused an increase in pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR1) expression (a proxy for increased SA biosynthesis), which correlated with a longer-term state of resistance to virus infection. The induction by NO of PR1 accumulation was modified in AOX-transgenic plants. This indicates that the influence of NO on defensive gene expression is in part mediated through its effects on mitochondria.
- DNA viruses
Identification of an RNA silencing suppressor encoded by a mastrevirus
More LessWheat dwarf virus (WDV) is a DNA virus belonging to the genus Mastrevirus of the family Geminiviridae. In this study, we report that the Rep protein encoded by WDV is a RNA silencing supressor as determined by co-infiltration assays using transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana line 16c carrying the GFP reporter gene. The Rep protein was shown to inhibit both local and systemic RNA silencing of the GFP gene as well as the spread of systemic GFP RNA silencing signals. Gel mobility shift assays showed that the Rep protein binds 21 nt and 24 nt small interfering RNA (siRNA) duplexes and single-stranded (ss)-siRNA. To our knowledge, this is the first identification of an RNA silencing suppressor encoded by mastreviruses. Furthermore, deletion mutagenesis indicates that both the N- and C-terminal regions of the Rep protein are not critical for silencing suppression and self-interaction, but the N terminus of Rep is necessary for its pathogenicity.
Transfection of exogenous rotavirus rearranged RNA segments in cells infected with a WT rotavirus results in subsequent gene rearrangements
Group A rotaviruses, members of the family Reoviridae, are a major cause of infantile acute gastroenteritis. The rotavirus genome consists of 11 dsRNA segments. In some cases, an RNA segment is replaced by a rearranged RNA segment, which is derived from its standard counterpart by partial sequence duplication. It has been shown that some rearranged segments are preferentially encapsidated into viral progenies after serial passages in cell culture. Based on this characteristic, a reverse genetics system was used previously to introduce exogenous segment 7 rearrangements into an infectious rotavirus. This study extends this reverse genetics system to RNA segments 5 and 11. Transfection of exogenous rotavirus rearranged RNA segment 5 or 11 into cells infected with a WT helper rotavirus (bovine strain RF) resulted in subsequent gene rearrangements in the viral progeny. Whilst recombinant viruses were rescued with an exogenous rearranged segment 11, the exogenous segment was modified by a secondary rearrangement. The occurrence of spontaneous rearrangements of WT or exogenous segments is a major hindrance to the use of this reverse genetics approach.
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